Lottie Moon was a missionary woman to China. She turned down a marriage proposal, left her job, home and family she loved at 32 years old to go preach the gospel to the poor women of China. She wrote many letters pleading for help from American churches as she needed financial aid and more servants. Moon's cries often fell on deaf ears. Her trust in God remained steadfast, no matter how tired she kept serving. Moon often felt rejected and alone as she worked day and night in China to help the poor. After 39 years of hard service, she went home to be with the Lord. Though she had little help during her life eventually her letters and pleas were heard back in America and a foundation has been set up in her honor to continue the vision God gave her back in the late 1800's, called "The Christmas Offering."

Many will not understand the call God has given you. We may find there is little help. Feeling alone and rejected if often the plight of the call. Lottie understood God was all she needed to complete the mission set before her. When she arrived exhausted at her Saviors feet, she didn't regret one thing she gave up on this earth to serve Him. Let us continue to run the race set before us. Philippians 3:14 "Why should we not do something that will prove that we are really in earnest in claiming to be followers of him who, though he was rich, for our sake became poor?" - Lottie Moon